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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Book Review: "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief"

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief

by Francis S. Collins

This is the sort of book that is frustrating, because some parts are excellent (Collins' personal story and the scientific parts), while other sections are pretty weak (almost everything related to theology and philosophy). The subject is just too broad for the author's expertise. He relies heavily upon C.S. Lewis, almost to the point of needing a coauthor credit for Lewis. I found all these sections very weak, as Lewis' weaknesses become Collins' weaknesses.

As others have noted, the subtitle "Evidence for Belief" is unrelated to the book itself. There is no evidence whatsoever in this book, just conjecture. A better and accurate (but less marketable) subtitle would have been "A World-Class Scientist Shares His Beliefs".

Other strong sections are where he warns other Christians about distancing themselves too far from scientific discoveries. He has a genuine concern for the Christian religion, and argues that it may be dragged into irrelevancy as human knowledge progresses.

Overall, I would give a recommendation for this book. It's an interesting and quick read, but unlikely to become an important or classic book.

Book Review: "Who Wrote the Bible?"

Who Wrote the Bible?
by Richard E. Friedman

My short review:

Fascinating, insightful, and very well written. I previously had a passing familiarity with the Documentary Hypothesis, but this book fleshed it all out nicely.

The title is a bit misleading, as it only addresses the major sections of the Old Testament.

I'll probably read this book again soon. I can honestly say for the first time that the Old Testament is beginning to make a whole lot more sense! And that is quite a relief.

Highly recommended.